Videos tagged with Neil Kinkopf

  • Panelists with extensive expertise in the legal academy and the executive branch discuss the intersection of executive power and national security law.

    Moderator: Prof. Maggie Lemos, Duke Law School
    Prof. Christopher Schroeder, Duke Law School
    Prof. H. Jefferson Powell, Duke Law School
    Prof. Neil Kinkopf, Georgia State University College of Law

    Panel title: Presidential Power & National Security

    Recorded as part of the 2014 LENS Conference: LAWshaping in National Security: The Past, the Progress, and the Path Ahead.

  • Lecture on some of the lessons learned about executive power during the Bush Administration. Part of the Fall 2008 Lessons Learned series sponsored by the Program in Public Law.

    Recorded on November 12, 2008.

    Lecture titled: Bush Administration & Executive Power.

    Appearing: Neil Kinkopf (Georgia State University College of Law), speaker.